Collecting Data for Spirit Talker 2

A lot of people think an app just gets created and uploaded to the app stores. Maybe some do, but mine don’t! A LOT of research goes into them. Here’s a little snippet of what I have been doing for the last 6 or so months out in the field collecting data. Caught a few strange things on camera too.

Spirit Talker not working after iOS 17 update

After the release of iOS 17, some people have pointed out that Spirit Talker crashes. The iOS 17 release now needs apps that access the sensors in your phone to have the correct permission granted. Watch the above video to see how to solve the issue.

Spirit Boxes Are APPS!

The age old debate, Spirit Boxes are hardware, but apps are software! A lot of people don’t realise that most (if not all) hardware devices are also software, including Spirit Boxes.

Paranormal Spirit Bell Ghost App OUT NOW on iOS and Android

The Spirit Bell will send shivers down your spine when the spirits make it ring!! It is an affordable and great alternative trigger object for all Paranormal Investigators around the world. If any of the sensors pick up a change then the Bell will Ring. Simply place the device in any area, click the “Calibrate” button then move away from […]

Graham Bell, Thomas Watson and Thomas Edison Ghost Phone Theory over Bluetooth

I made this 3 months ago but forgot about it. After watching Proving Demons video about the spirit phone (you can watch it here: I thought I would try and localise the feedback using bluetooth. Instead of creating a huge radio loop using mobile to a cellular tower and them over to the other phone, it could be localised […]