My Prototype Paranormal Spirit Music Box using an Arduino

A quick demo to show people that I did actually make a “REAL” prototype of a Paranormal Music Box from an Arduino kit I bought for about £30. The Ultra Sonic Sensor has a range of about 7 meters. I am going to 3D print some cases and make 3 of these into an actual piece of paranormal hardware that […]

Phone Apps vs “Real” Paranormal Equipment

I have had a lot of reviews from people over the years stating that they won’t use my apps and they will instead use “Real” ghost hunting equipment. When I ask them “Why?”, it is always the same answer: “Real equipment can’t be programmed to be fake, unlike phone apps!” I agree, apps can be programmed to be fake! However, […]

How does the EMF Meter work in my Apps?

Most smart phones have a Magnetometer sensor built into them. These sensors measure Magnetic Field, or Magnetic Dipole Moment and allows the phone to sense the orientation in space in relation to Magnetic North and Magnetic South, along the X, Y and Z axes. If your phone has a compass app, then the compass app is using the Magnetometer sensor. […]