Why The Paranormal Eludes Scientific Proof

The paranormal, by its very nature, resides at the fringes of our understanding of reality. From ghostly apparitions to poltergeist activity, from near-death experiences to UFO sightings, humanity has long grappled with phenomena that defy scientific explanation. Despite centuries of anecdotes and investigations, the paranormal remains elusive to the scientific method, leaving believers and skeptics …

Do YouTube Debunkers Believe in the Paranormal?

In the ever-growing realm of paranormal YouTube, debunkers occupy a unique space. These creators dedicate their platforms to dissecting and challenging claims of the supernatural, often presenting themselves as neutral truth-seekers, but a closer look at their behavior raises an interesting question: do these debunkers genuinely believe in the paranormal, or is their interest merely …

Are Paranormal Apps Fake?

In the world of paranormal investigation, opinions on tools and techniques can be as diverse as the phenomena being studied. One of the most divisive topics is the use of mobile apps designed to assist investigations. While millions of people use these apps with great enthusiasm, some investigators remain skeptical, dismissing them as fake or …

The Pressure to Conform  

The rise of paranormal content on YouTube has created a vibrant, diverse community of investigators sharing their experiences and methods. However, with this growth has come a troubling trend: a group of people on YouTube targeting new paranormal groups, pressuring them to conform to their way of thinking and investigative practices. While skepticism is an …

Why Paranormal Apps Are Cheaper Than Physical Equipment

In the world of paranormal investigation, the tools used to capture and analyse supernatural phenomena have evolved significantly over the years. While traditional equipment such as spirit boxes, EVP recorders, and infrared cameras dominate the field, a new wave of technology is reshaping the landscape, paranormal apps. These mobile applications are becoming increasingly popular among …

I Earned A Demonology Diploma

I recently earned a diploma in Demonology, marking another step in my commitment to advancing paranormal research and investigation. Demonology, the study of malevolent entities, is a field that requires knowledge of history, religion, and paranormal theory. Gaining this diploma has not only broadened my knowledge, it has helped me to better understand and address …

The Problem with Dismissing Paranormal Tools

The paranormal field is one of the most exciting and evolving areas of study, blending curiosity, technology, and the unexplained. Yet, skepticism toward paranormal tools continues to exist, often from both inside and outside the community. Some argue that these tools are unnecessary, unreliable, or even counterproductive. However, dismissing them outright overlooks the incredible advancements …